Sunday, March 2, 2014

A comment I never left.

I'm crying. And believing. I'm sympathetic on a large scale and empathetic on a small one. Every word you write is a gift from the Writing Gods and the passion Gods and the Gods who want everyone to know what it means to feel someone else's pain so strongly that you'd wipe away your happiness if it meant they could have theirs.

You ripped your heart from the curtains the world asked you to hold and the encasing broke. You let the blood run across our minds and fill our fears with hate. You made me sick for every pro-mia account I supported on tumblr because I thought that was the answer. You have broken glass and distored mirrors shining out of your eyes but they portray the perfect symphony. They scream the words we're all too scared to breathe but beg to hear. You make me a fraction stronger and an atmosphere tighter every time I let my self pity remember the real problems and the real hero's this world is offering me.

You are real and you are better than a barbie doll.


  1. "You let the blood run across our minds and fill our fears with hate." With this stands out to me, I'll never know. But it does. And you get me on a thousand million deep levels that I didn't know I even had, so thank you. Really.

  2. "They scream the words we're all too scared to breathe but beg to hear. " Goodness, chills running down my spine right now. Thank you very much.
