Monday, February 24, 2014

A day at the fair.

The anxiety is eating me like a knife.
There's a sticker on my mirror and I don't know why I don't just take it down.
There's a subtle glow from this computer screen on my face and I wonder if you see it from the window.
Take a moment to count the cracks in your framework.
You offered me three different smoothies but I already had three different desserts tonight. 
Do you think owls are offended that Hooters disintegrates them so lowly?
I start the same book every summer, and although I always get a little farther, I never finish. 

Eventually, though.

Why aren't M&M's all one color?
Do dancers really need a thousand trophies that are taller than they'll ever be?
I haven't cried so much after throwing up in God knows how long.

I don't listen to music enough, and I think it's because I don't know what to listen to.

If the shade is such a good thing why do people spend so much money to visit the sun?
There's a brim on your hat to cover the brim on your eyes.
I buy things I'm not happy with and then I buy them again.
Being hipster is for the people who have enough money to follow their dreams with a debit card.
Glassy eyes are the scariest memory a child can have.

I like the Olympics because I can remember you there. 

Fairy Tales were written so Disney could make money and boys would dress nicer.
The color pink is a figment of your imagination and I'd like for you to keep it bottled up in your world so mine can be at peace.
My mom told me I need to use lotion if I want to stop hating everything about my legs.

There's a ticket stub of yours in my room that I don't want to move because you placed it there and how can you just rearrange a memory?
There's a Powerade on my bed to make me stop being sick but it's a disorder not a disease.

I'd like to think my thoughts amuse you, but they rarely amuse me.


  1. You have beautiful thoughts and I didn't want this post to end. I love your writing.

  2. This was so random but at the same time connected and I loved this.

  3. The inside of your mind is beautiful, really.

  4. "How can you just rearrange memories?" Maybe one day, I'll be able to write like you.

  5. You use language so beautifully. I am dying inside.

  6. Ok so I kind of loved the abstract mind sweep style of this post. It's just so natural. Love.

  7. what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what

    everything was interesting and none of it has been written before and everything was a catch

  8. "glassy eyes are the scariest memory a child can have."
    And I liked what you wrote about Disney making boys dress nicer.
    Think I'm joining the fan club.
    Whoever you are, why didn't you share your poem with the open Mic?
