Saturday, February 22, 2014

Slowly Different.

Break a snow-globe because it's July and you want snow.
Count the eyelashes you own and then count them again.
Pop the hood of your car to hear what it sounds like to turnover the realest thing a robot has to offer.
Break a seashell because the sound of the ocean lulls you into it's terrible destruction. It's cruel, so why shouldn't you be?

I used to wonder why thunder and the sun came from the same place.
I used to ask God why other places had bombs and we had daffodils.
I thought long and hard about apples absorbing the color green but bouncing back the color red.
I put quotes on my wall, once upon a time.

Curiosity has been killed by the world we live in.

High school is a blender and we're all begging to be in the smoothie. We're taught from the day we enter 7th grade NOT to be too different. No one says it out loud but I think the walls whisper it behind silly conversations. Slowly the creativity and the "change the world" attitude fall into the back burner and become nothing but wisps.

Slowly we forget that we can have snow in July and inspiring words on the wall.


  1. "I used to wonder why thunder and the sun came from the same place."

    I am head over heels for this post. Honestly.

  2. Your writing is out of this world girl.
